Let’s Talk About My Return!

Guess who's back

Hey Everyone ………. 

I’M BACK!!!!!!!!

It’s been almost two months since I’ve posted anything and I am sorry that it has taken me this long.  So much has gone on in the past few weeks.  It’s so difficult trying to keep up with everything on your plate.  There are things that get neglected and unfortunately this was one. 

It saddens me when I am unable to post.  I love writing.  This is the reason I started this blog.  I wanted to get my thoughts and feelings out to the world and then sit back and wait for responses.  But how can I expect people to respond when there is anything for them to respond to?

I have made a vow not to be on a hiatus again.  I cannot disappear and then reappear – that is unprofessional.  Starting today, I will be submitting regular posts (nice and juicy ones), letting everyone know what I’ve been through this past month.


So to all my followers, sit back, relax and enjoy my blog!

Thank you for your Patience!

Let’s Talk About LIARS!


I really really hate liars tee shirt




Why DO people lie? Why DO they feel the need to keep the truth from you?  What gives them the right to lie in your face and think it is okay to do so?  Is anyone honest these days?

Over the past few weeks, I have encountered more liars than I care to speak of.  While I am only mentioning two right now – this is two TOO many.  The first encounter was by an employee at the job who blatantly lied to one of the Administrators in order to cover her ass.  The second person lied when asked a simple question. She was asked about paperwork she filed and why she did so.  Because she knew she was wrong, she lied and said that she was asked to do so.  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  What people don’t realize is that, most times when someone is asking a question – especially about a topic that is not normally discussed – it is usually because the individual already knows the answer. 

I really love listening to liars

So why is it that they continue with the lie?  Is it because they are trying to protect themselves or they simply cannot help it?

Don’t get me wrong, I do realize and truly understand that no one is perfect.  I do know that there are many honest people in the world.  While I am neither perfect or the most honest person walking on this earth, I do try to live my life as honest and respectful as possible.  I swear by the phrase, “Do Unto Others As You Wish Others Do Unto You!”  In other words, treat people exactly how you wanted to be treated. This rule is an extremely difficult one to live by, however, not impossible.  It is up to you to determine who gets treated with respect and should someone who doesn’t deserve it, be given it. 

Now please note that I am not saying that I’ve never lied or that I still do not “hide” the truth.  However, I know that it is wrong and I try my hardest not to do so.  I even had to remind myself that omitting information is just the same as lying.  With that being said, I make sure I am as open and honest with everyone I know and love as well as to any and everyone I hold a conversation with.

I know that most times, the truth is withheld because we do not want to hurt someone’s feelings or simply because we are just too embarrassed to admit the truth.  I also know that when you lie to someone, you have to remember your lies.  Otherwise, you will get caught and you will look foolish. 

Who can trust a liar?  I always say, if a person can lie to you in your face, then they could steal your money AND sleep with your man.  Never trust a person who lies and especially one who tells the most ridiculous lies, such as the color of their socks.  LOL  Yes, an habitual liar will tell you anything because they just cannot help it.  They believe everything that comes out of their mouths and expect you to do the same.

But let me be clear – I am not judging anyone and I am not portraying myself to be perfect.  I am simply speaking about one of the things I truly dislike. 

I take it very personally when someone lies to me.  I feel violated and disrespected.  The reason I feel violated depends on the topic and the person.  They are taking away your right to make a decision for yourself.  In addition, I feel disrespected because I believe that the individual telling the lie does not believe you are worthy of knowing the truth and therefore, they may feel it is not a big deal to lie.

So why do people lie?

When I posed this question to a few people, I was not so surprised when I received the same answer from a few.  I asked three women and three men if they have ever lied and if so, what was the reason.  All three men came up with the same exact answer.  Just to let you know, none of these individuals were in the same room together nor were they in the same location .  They were not friends or related to one another in any way.   These individuals were chosen randomly by me and therefore, there was no way of them planning to give me the same response.

Anyway, the first woman surveyed told me that she lies because she does not want her significant other to know the truth about her.  She stated that she makes much more money than he thinks she makes and she hides it from him because he is so frugal.  All I could say was, OK!

The second woman told me that she has always lied.  Ever since she was a child, she learned that telling lies can get her things and therefore, she continued with this behavior even in her adulthood.  She stated that it still works for her.  I asked if she ever got caught lying and even though she has, her track record is still superb.  I couldn’t believe how proud of herself she was.  At the end of that conversation, all I could say was, OK!

The last woman surveyed told me that she does not have a specific reason why she lies.  She stated that it simply depended upon the situation and whomever she were speaking with.  She told me that she does not particularly enjoy lying, however, she does feel that it is necessary, at times.  I told her that I completely agreed with her and appreciated her honesty.

Now here are the men’s responses.  As I already stated, all three men surveyed said that they lie, especially to their wife or girlfriend, because they do not want them to leave.  If they were to tell them all that is going on with them and/or all of  what they’ve done in the past, they feel that their wives or girlfriends would leave them.   They all have skeletons in their closets and actually one of the men continues to commit adultery and stated that he would never come clean.  He stated and I quote, “What she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her.”  Of course as a female, I told them that they need to be honest with their wives or girlfriends; they should tell them EVERYTHING!  Of course they looked at me as if I just hopped off of the last UFO that landed and they all told me that their secrets are going with them to the grave.  SMH!

AMAZING!!  They all feel the same way and they are all violating and disrespecting their significant others.  It’s so sad….I don’t know whether or not I should be angry with them or proud for their honesty with me.  But I will tell you this, their being honest with me made me feel quite special.  LOL 

truth has been spoken - goat