Let’s Talk About It!!!

What is there to say?  This is truly unbelievable and my heart goes out to the families who lost their loved ones.

I am over here in tears.  I literally cannot stop crying.  It is sad and it is sickening and I cannot even imagine losing my sons, daughter, brothers, uncles, friends, co-workers, etc.  This senseless killing of black people, especially at the hands of police officers, is becoming too overwhelming.  Seeing and reading all these news reports of these murders is extremely heartbreaking and I feel so defenseless.

One person alone cannot stop these killings.  We need to come together and put an end to these senseless killings.  We need to stand together to get these murders convicted.  As I am reading people’s posts, it seems that we are all in agreement.  However, we need to stop talking about it and actually do something.  We need to join together.

As we all know, THEY KILL US BECAUSE WE KILL US.  So how about we stop killing us?  Why don’t we unite as one and become such a strong force that they have no choice but to think twice before doing ANYTHING to us?  It doesn’t matter if we’re rich or poor, we need to do something NOW!

I refuse to wait for something to happen to my children or anyone close to me before I have something to say.  Before I have a voice.  I had to have a conversation with my sons about what to do and what not to do if they were ever stopped by the police.  Why do I need to have this conversation?  As a mother, I have to make sure my children are safe.  I had to explain to them that by remaining quiet and by submitting does not make them weak or soft.  I had to explain to them that it will hopefully keep them alive.

I know fear paralyzes a lot of us.  It is quite frightening to stand up for what we believe in.  But it is our duty to STAND UP!  As parents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. we deserve to have our voices heard and we need to do it without fear.  If they see the fear in us, they will use it against us.  We need to be strong and do what’s right for ourselves and those in our community.

We need to come up with a plan to get our voices heard.  We need to create our own platform instead of waiting for them to give us one.  Show me how! Help me out! Who’s with me?

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